Konsorcjum Stali S.A.
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Oficjalna strona internetowa - KonsorcjumStali S.A.. Strona wyposażona w automatycznego lektora treści. Usługa lektora dostępna jest z poziomu poszczególnych podstron.
Construction Reinforcement Manufacturing Plant Pruszków: |
Construction Reinforcement Manufacturing Plant |
Construction Reinforcement Manufacturing Plant |
Production profile
With our modern and very efficient stock of machines, we manufacture reinforcement-prefabricated units for housing and industrial construction branches, as well as road infrastructure. Among others, we specialise in manufacturing spatial reinforcement welded frames.
PREFABRICATION (cutting, bending, figure stirrup)
In addition, an up-to-date a reinforcing line is available for our customers. Having it, we manufacture and mount any elements (reinforced-prefabricated units) of reinforced steel (ø6 ÷ ø40 mm), including: cut and bent elements, stirrups of any shape, spatial elements of reinforcement, compliant to the design.
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